Top 15 Quarter Errors you Should be Looking For
15. 2005 Kansas Quarter Errors — up to $100+
14. 2004 Wisconsin Quarter Errors (including the Extra Leaf Error) — $200+
13. 2003 Illinois Quarter Error — up to $10+
12. 2002 Tennessee Quarter Errors — up to $10+
11. 2001 New York Quarter Errors — up to $400+
10. 2000 Maryland Quarter Errors — up to $100+
9. 2000 South Caroline Quarter Errors — up to $200+
8. 1999 Georgia Quarter Errors — up to $10,000+
7. 1999 Pennsylvania Quarter Errors — up to $6,000+
6. 1999 New Jersey Quarter Errors — up to $3,000
5. 1999 Connecticut Quarter Errors — up to $10,000
4. 1999 Delaware Quarter Errors (including the Spitting Horse error) — $5+
3. 1970 Quarter Overstruck On Foreign Coin Error — $35,000+
2. 1965 Silver Quarter Error — $7,000+
1. Quarters Without Ridges — 25 cents+ (how to tell which are errors worth $15 and which ones are merely damaged)